You are building a sky scraper and your neighbor is building a bungalow. When he's building, you are still laying your foundation..
He then moves to the roofing of his bungalow, and you are still laying the foundation of your skyscraper..He completes his house, you are still laying your foundation..
He moves into his house and is living there comfortably, and you are still laying your foundation...and he's laughing at you, wondering what the hell you are doing and chuckling to himself, thinking what a fool of a neighbour he has living next to him. 🙄
...and then, finally your foundation is completed
When you start building floors after floors, he'll be looking at you until your sky scraper has gone to 10 floors, then 20, then 30...and you are still building more floors.
Then he looks up and finally understands what you were doing all this while, and why you had to spend so much time laying the foundation alone.
Moral lesson:
Don't compare yourself with anyone in your life. Our visions, ambitions and drive for success are different. Some are very content building and living in a single bungalow for the rest of their life..while for others, completing the building of a skyscraper is just one of many more to come...
People who fail to plan,simply plan to fail..
Dream big,work hard, remain consistent & committed always until finally, you build your skyscraper
Run your own race.😇
Next week, I will be writing extensively about the different foundations of buildings, and why it's essential to have a good foundation for any structure, just like how it's essential to have a good foundation if you want to be successful in life.
Do have a fruitful week ahead while you continue laying that solid foundation of your skyscraper 😇
Dr. B.A. Oyeneyin
M.B.CH.B., A.C.S., A.C.S.I.(UK)
Medical doctor, Associate Chartered Stockbroker, Certified financial/Investment analyst & Real estate consultant.