People often ask me...'Why would you spend so many years studying to be a medical doctor, only to decide to train to become a certified financial and investment Professional?' (I'm an Internationally Certified Financial/Investment Analyst and also an Associate Chartered Stockbroker)...
Well, my answer to that is because I found out that despite spending many years studying in the university and becoming a doctor, despite having a stable job and steady income, I lived a continuous life of financial struggle. I always look forward to the end of the month and once I'm paid my salary, the bills and expenses to be paid are so much that the salary is usually over before the end of the month. I also found out that practically all of my colleagues were living this same 'RAT RACE'.I concluded that I will never be able to get my financial breakthrough and achieve wealth if it's decided only by my paycheck.
I also found out that our school system had a serious flaw...there was no financial education in our school curriculum.
So, people who are highly educated, including doctors, scientists, engineers, professors, etc end up living a constant life of financial struggle and never become wealthy,no matter how hard or how long they work and they still remain poor.
A person spends 30years working for the government and he retires and is still poor. He even has to beg for his pension which is simply peanuts. .So he/she has spent his life working for money, now he's retired and is still poor . I then decided to become financially literate.
During my quest for financial education, I found out something very interesting. ..the secret of the rich , and why the rich will usually get richer and the poor/middle class will always live a life of financial struggle unless they change their mindset to that of the rich.
1) The rich don't work for money but constantly spend their lives devising means to make money work for them.
2) The rich spend the money they make investing in assets while the poor/middle class spend their money investing in liabilities.
So the question is 'What are assets and liabilities? ' I don't want to use the financial definition in order not to confuse some people, so I will put it simply. .
Assets are things that put money into your pocket while liabilities take money out of your pocket. A good example is this...The car/cars you drive is a liability because you spend money on it to maintain it , but a car you lease to UBER to drive for you is an asset because it generates money for you every month that can be used to meet your monthly expenses while still owning the car.
Now, why is Real estate a good asset and meets the 2 main criteria of your road to financial freedom and being wealthy? .
1) Real estate is a sure way of making money work for you.
2) Real estate is one of the surest assets in the world that will most likely appreciate in value.
3) The capital appreciation that's possible in real estate can sometimes not be quantifiable. (I met a client few months ago who sold a plot of land he has in Lekki phase 1 for 100 million naira. He told me he bought that same land in the 90s for 150k! !)
4) It will always be there. .land can't disappear or get destroyed.
Some people are afraid of investing in real estate because of fear of 'Omo Onile' (or children of the land)....The good news now is that with the advent of real estate companies, an investor has no business with any 'Omo Onile' , because you are dealing directly with the company. All you need to do as a wise investor is to do your own due diligence and research to be sure the land is indeed genuine.
Apart from considering the genuineness of the land, there must also be a sign of seriousness on the company's part that they intend to deliver as promised.
This can either be through an excellent track record or evidence of development being done on the land to show that the company intends to deliver to the client as promised.
Real estate has remained one of the most lucrative investments in the world because it often continues to appreciate in value over time unlike other assets that depreciate in value... sometimes the capital appreciation is much more than even envisaged, and it's one of the most recommended assets for people who want to have long lasting wealth that can last for generations.
M.B.CH.B., A.C.S., A.C.S.I.,(UK)